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Child Killed in Delivery Truck Accident on Route 151 in Falmouth

Quick Facts:

Where: The accident occurred in the northbound lanes of Route 151 in Falmouth, Massachusetts.

What Happened: A delivery truck and a car collided under unspecified conditions.


Reported Injuries/Fatalities:


On or about Thursday, January 21st, 2021, around 9:00 in the morning, an accident between a car and a flatbed delivery truck clamed the life of a4-year-old child and injured a 28-year-old woman. Troopers from the MSP said the accident happened on the northbound side of Route 151 in Falmouth, Massachusetts.

Police said a 4-year-old child was killed and a 28-year-old woman was injured when their car and a flatbed delivery truck collided under unknown circumstances in the northbound lanes. The driver of the flatbed delivery truck was unhurt in the accident.

According to Google Maps, Route 151 runs through the northern edge of Falmouth, which is situated in the heel of Cape Cod.

Police are still investigating the accident.

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